Dear Parents and Guardians,
At the request of many parents and to help reduce costs we are trying to digitize as many forms as possible this school year. Most of these forms require a student and parent signature so please complete them when both you and your child can review them together. There will be paper copies in the main office if you prefer a paper version.
Middle School Dance Expectations and signature from for students in Grades 6-8 (please read to the bottom and click the form link)
These policies for review. After reading them please fill out the signature form listed underneath the first 4 links.
Acceptable Use Policy for students in Grades 6-12
Use of Electronic Devices by Students for students in Grades 6-12
Guidelines for the use of District and Personal Technology for students in Grades 6-12
Signature form for Acceptable Use Policy, Use of Electronic Devices by Students, and Students Use of Email. All students and parents need to sign this.
Chromebook form for students in grades 8-12
All parents need to review this form. If you do not object to the district publishing any of the information in the form, please leave the boxes unchecked and sign and submit the form.
Parent Handbook - no signature needed, this is for you informational information