K-8 Reopening Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Guardians:

While our Reopening Plan calls for in-person learning for all students UPK through Grade 8 and remote instruction for students in grades 9-12 I wanted to make you aware that we feel it is important to provide you with some options. Due to the challenges created by the COVID 19 pandemic parents have some options in what their student's educational experience looks like. 

Parents of students in Grades 9-12 will have the option to send their student to school each day to work remotely or have their student work remotely from home. If a parent chooses to have their student work at school they will be assigned to a learning space where they will be supervised as they work. Students working on site will be able to have in person access to their teachers as needed or by appointment. Students in grades 9-12 will initially begin the year working remotely from home and then we will be providing parents the option to have their student continue remote learning from home or to have their student continue remote learning in the building. We are anticipating that remote learning in the building will be available to students beginning the week of September 14. A sign up form will be sent out via email to parents and students when we get closer to September.

As a parent of a student in Kindergarten through Grade 8, you will also have some options. Parents of students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 have the option to send their student for daily in-person instruction or can request their student participate in remote instruction. For parents of students in grades K-8 your selection serves as your commitment to that option from the beginning of the school year through Friday, January 29, 2021. The options are outlined below:

  1. In-Person Learning: In-person learning will occur 5 days a week. The school day for students in grades K-5 will be from 9:00 a.m to 2:30 p.m. The school day for students in grades 6-8 will be from 7:15 a.m to 1:15 p.m. Students who participate in in-person learning will be placed in small groups to allow for social distancing to occur when they are seated. Students who are on-site must wear a facemask at all times unless they are seated within their classroom. Students will have the option to order a breakfast and/or lunch which will be served in the classroom. If you choose this option you do not need to do anything to let us know this is your choice, we will automatically place your student in this option.

  1. Remote Learning: If you are interested in this option as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic you will need to complete the Remote Learning Request Form by August 12, 2020. Your request will be reviewed and we will notify you by August 17, 2020 if we are able to accommodate your request. Please note if we do not hear from you your student will automatically be placed in option 1.

  1. Homeschool: This option is, and has always been, available to any and all parents. If you choose to homeschool your student you will need to contact our District Registrar Mrs. Deborah Robinson by email [email protected] or by phone 585-657-6121.

We will be placing this information and all other reopening related information on our website for your reference. Please feel free to contact your students building principal with any building specific questions. Please feel free to contact me with any district-level questions or concerns.
Thank you again for your patience, flexibility, and support.
Andy Doell