Bloomfield Central School District is embarking on energy conservation improvements that will dramatically increase efficiency and save money. The district’s energy savings performance contract with Day Automation Systems, Inc. calls for:
■ LED lighting to be installed throughout
■ Building automation system (BAS) upgrade (Continuum to EcoStruxure)
■ Building envelope improvements in all district buildings
■ Air handling unit replacement in the middle/high school
The work will be fully funded over the 18-year contract period by savings in energy and associated costs. Between the state aid generated and the savings realized by these improvements, there is no impact on the local tax levy. The estimated net savings from energy utility reduction is $1.4 million over 18 years or 31.75%.
While the initiative is not subject to voter approval, a positive vote from the community would increase state aid for the project by 10% (approximately an additional $200,000 in state aid). With this project the district will also qualify for an estimated $184,000 in incentives from local utility companies. Please see the link below which contains more information about this project:
The public vote to allow us to maximize our state aid for this project will occur on Tuesday, October 20th between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. in the back gallery of the Middle/High School. The District will be taking all necessary precautions and will be implementing all recommended safety protocols for the in-person vote on the 20th. These protocols include enforcing the use of face coverings and social distancing, as well as the use of temperature scanners and hand sanitizing stations.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our district office.
Thank you.
Andy Doell