Voters will have the opportunity to elect two Board of Education members to the Bloomfield Central School District Board of Education at the annual budget vote and election on May 17, 2022. The terms of Board Members Pam Nakoski and Tonya McFadden will expire on June 30, 2022. The term of office is for five (5) years.
Nominating petition forms are now available and can be requested by contacting Betty Post, at the District Clerk's office at (585) 657-6121, ext. 4004 or via email: [email protected] . Petitions must be filed with the District Clerk no later than 5:00pm on Monday, April 18, 2022.
The qualifications to become a school board member include the following:
- Must be able to read and write
- Must be a qualified voter of the district (i.e., a US citizen, at least 18 years of age, and not a convicted felon or adjudged as incompetent)
- Must have been a resident of the district for at least one year prior to election, but need not be a taxpayer
- There may be only one member of a family, residing in the same household, on the school board
- May not be an employee of the school district
- May not simultaneously hold an incompatible public office such as town supervisor
- Must not have been removed from a school district office within one year of election