Student Artwork Showcased in RPO Magazine

The artwork of four of our talented students—Anna Biernat, Declan Hogg, Carmine Costanzo, and Isabelle Steele—was featured in the latest edition of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra’s magazine, Movements!

Last year, Anna, Declan, Carmine, and Isabelle created stunning layered watercolor and construction paper pieces in response to Florence Price’s Adoration as part of the RPO’s Intermediate Concerts. The concerts allow students to create and submit artwork inspired by the concert’s music before attending, giving them the unique experience of seeing their work displayed while the orchestra performs.

Their artwork was showcased during an RPO performance and later included in the February 2025 edition of Movements (pg. 11) alongside an article highlighting the RPO’s educational concerts for students.

Our students will have another opportunity to attend an RPO concert this year—and they are already hard at work creating new artwork submissions!

Student Artwork Showcased in RPO Magazine 1